Properly maintaining commercial laundry equipment is important to maximizing both equipment lifespan and profitability at your commercial laundry business.
Like any other type of equipment, commercial washers and dryers will experience wear and tear over time and require maintenance to ensure continued functionality.
The following are six mistakes it's important to avoid in your commercial laundry maintenance regime to keep your equipment in good shape for as long as possible.
1. Neglecting to look through the manufacturer's manual for specific instructions
The best source of information on what you need to do to keep your laundromat machines properly maintained is the manufacturer's manual. You should read over the utility requirements of your equipment as well as what the recommended maintenance schedule is for your machines.
2. Not cleaning the exterior of washers and dryers
It's a good idea to wipe down the exteriors of washers and dryers on a daily basis. Debris on the outside of your machines doesn't just cause your laundry facility to look less well kept. It can also detract from functioning over time by restricting air flow around your machines and increasing the chances that corrosion will develop on metal components.
3. Waiting too long before replacing filters and hoses
You need to replace components like filters and hoses promptly to ensure efficient and effective operation of laundry machines.
Inlet and outlet hoses should be regularly inspected for sediment buildup and switched out if they become excessively dirty or develop leaks. The water filter inlet screens need to be cleaned and replaced as necessary to prevent contaminants from obstructing water flow into washing machines.
4. Keeping doors closed all the time
You should keep doors open when machines are not being used so that their interiors can dry out. If doors are constantly kept closed, mold and mildew growth will become likely on machine interiors because surfaces will be exposed to moisture all the time.
5. Using machines with fraying belts
Belts on laundry machines help motors to run properly. Belts need to be replaced promptly if they become frayed or they will become likely to split and potentially cause more extensive damage to the machine.
6. Failing to inspect seals regularly
Commercial washing machines are fitted with seals around doors that hold water in. Obstructed or torn seals can allow leaks to occur that detract from washer efficiency.
Leaks in door seals could allow moisture to soak into floors and lead to water damage over time if they are not repaired through seal replacement. For more information, contact a company like Metropolitan Laundry Machinery Sales Inc.