Developing New Connections: 4 Twitter Marketing Tips for Florists

Twitter remains one of the most powerful social networks in the world, with more than 66 million visitors every month. For small businesses, Twitter is a cost-effective way to market your products and connect with new customers and business partners, who may otherwise not know about your business, especially if you are a start-up. Learn how to develop the right connections on Twitter with the following four tips. Balance business versus fun

Extra College Cash: 4 Ways To Earn Money With Scrap Metals

Surviving college is often all about making every little bit of money you can. When not paying for classes, books, or supplies, extra money goes towards food or travel expenses. But a part-time job may not be enough to support yourself during multiple years of college. Finding multiple ways to make a little extra cash can go a long way in supplying you with the tools and resources that you need to succeed.